Do You Know How Much Recruiting, Hiring & Training Administrative Staff Costs Your Healthcare Practice?

dentists healthcare providers medical offices mental health providers physicians Aug 29, 2023
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Staffing administrative positions in the healthcare industry is no easy task. With the ever-increasing demand for healthcare services, finding qualified and reliable administrative staff can be daunting. Not only is it crucial to find individuals with the necessary skills and experience, but it is also important to ensure that they are a good fit for the healthcare environment.

One of the main challenges is the high turnover rate among administrative staff. According to a recent Healthcare Financial Management Association study, the turnover rate for administrative staff in healthcare organizations is around 30 %. Almost one-third of the staff hired for these positions will leave within a year. This constant turnover can lead to a disruption in workflow and affect the overall efficiency of the healthcare organization.

The Rising Costs of Recruiting and Retaining Administrative Staff

The demand for qualified personnel is high, and the competition to attract and retain top talent is fierce. Not to mention, the cost of recruiting administrative staff can be exorbitant. According to a Society for Human Resource Management study, the average cost per hire for an administrative staff position is $4,700. This cost includes advertising, screening, interviewing, and onboarding expenses. Additionally, the need for specialized roles, such as medical scribes, medical receptionists, and other medical support staff, can further escalate the costs of staffing administrative positions.

The Benefits of Hiring Healthcare Virtual Assistants

Hiring healthcare virtual assistants can offer numerous benefits for your organization. Firstly, virtual assistants are highly skilled professionals who can handle various administrative tasks remotely. They are trained in medical terminology and have experience working in healthcare settings, making them well-equipped to handle the industry's unique demands. Secondly, virtual assistants provide flexibility in staffing. This flexibility allows you to scale your administrative staffing up or down as required without incurring additional costs.

The Cost Savings of Utilizing Healthcare Virtual Assistants

One of the most significant advantages of hiring healthcare virtual assistants is the cost savings it offers. Virtual assistants work remotely, so you don't need to provide them with office space, equipment, or other overhead expenses associated with traditional employees. According to a study by the International Virtual Assistants Association, hiring a virtual assistant can save you up to 78% in staffing costs. This significant reduction in expenses can free up valuable resources that can be allocated to other areas of your organization.

How Healthcare Virtual Assistants Can Optimize Administrative Staffing

Healthcare virtual assistants can optimize your administrative staffing in several ways. Firstly, they can handle repetitive and time-consuming tasks such as appointment scheduling, data entry, scribing, and medical record management. By delegating these tasks to virtual assistants, your in-house staff can focus on more critical responsibilities, increasing productivity and efficiency. Secondly, virtual assistants can provide administrative support during peak periods or when your staff is overwhelmed. This flexibility ensures that your administrative operations run smoothly, even during periods of high demand.

Finding and Hiring the Right Healthcare Virtual Assistants

When hiring virtual healthcare assistants, finding the right candidates is crucial. Start by defining the skills and qualifications you require in a virtual assistant. Next, leverage Doc Assist Me, a company dedicated to connecting healthcare organizations with the highest quality healthcare virtual assistants. Finally, consider conducting thorough interviews and requesting references to assess a candidate's experience and suitability for the role.


In conclusion, hiring healthcare virtual assistants can be cost-effective to optimize your administrative staffing. The rising costs of recruiting and retaining administrative staff and the challenges of finding qualified personnel make virtual assistants an attractive option for healthcare organizations. By leveraging the skills and flexibility of virtual assistants, you can streamline your administrative operations, reduce costs, and improve overall efficiency. So, why not explore the world of healthcare virtual assistants and unlock the potential for cost savings and optimization in your organization?

Contact us to explore the benefits of hiring healthcare virtual assistants today and start saving costs while improving efficiency